© 2025 neotes
bioAge Premium Upgrade
Is your biological clock running correctly? Make sure the steps you are taking now are actually leading to a healthier and longer life – use the bioAge Test to measure this.
- Decode your epigenetic changes – to understand how your environment and lifestyle have affected your ageing process.
- Based on more than 10 years of research and developed in collaboration with the University of Oslo, the bioAge Test offers a scientifically sound measurement method for individual health prevention.
- Take control – Influence the future of your health by reviewing your current condition to make adjustments where necessary to reduce the effects of ageing on your body!
- Get detailed information about your biological age and additional measurements based on your epigenetic profile.
This upgrade is only possible if you have already taken the neotes bioAge Basic Test.
649,00 € 350,00 €
Delivery Time: 2-3 Tagen
Inkl. MwSt.
| plus shipping
bioAge Premium Upgrade
Excellent choice
You have taken a step towards healthy ageing. Discover our other Longevity products now.