© 2025 neotes
The Inflame Bundle combines three highly effective substances that help to regulate inflammatory processes.
Sulforaphane – 1 jar with 60 capsules
To support your natural detoxification, boost antioxidant activity and promote cellular health by activating protective mechanisms at the molecular level.
Resveratrol – 1 sachet with 15 g powder
Known for its antioxidant properties and activation of longevity pathways such as sirtuins and AMPK, resveratrol supports the cellular system on multiple levels.
Quercetin – 1 sachet with 30 g powder
Known as the “king of flavonoids” and obtained from the high-quality bioflavonoid of the Japanese string tree.
All products are vegan, GMO-free and additive-free. Further details can be found on the respective product pages.
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