Author name: RomanKacer

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women – why is it so important and why is it so widely discussed in Germany?

In today’s well-informed society, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women is the subject of intense debate. Yet it is a crucial tool for improving the quality of life of many women during the menopause. How does the menopause manifest itself in women? The menopause is a phase that every woman experiences in her own way. […]

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women – why is it so important and why is it so widely discussed in Germany? Read More »

A smile for a long life: How oral health affects our life expectancy

Living a long and healthy life is a goal worth striving for for many of us. While healthy eating and regular exercise often take center stage, there are other, less obvious factors that also play an important role. Two of these factors are oral health and collagen breakdown. In this article, we will take a

A smile for a long life: How oral health affects our life expectancy Read More »

What biological age says about your lifestyle and life expectancy

A biomarker that integrates a lifetime of experience offers a great opportunity for your health. With the biological age test, you can see how your lifestyle affects your ageing rate and calculate your life expectancy. Never before has it been possible to get such detailed feedback on lifestyle and information on your own ageing. Chronological

What biological age says about your lifestyle and life expectancy Read More »